We do our best to produce our product with the best possible quality, but sadly errors can always happen. If you found a defect or error let us now by filling the form down below, and we will correct it by sending replacement part or changing the wrong unit. Even if something broke by your own fault (for example an cable, an screw...) just let us know and we send you replacement parts with resonable price.
If you are unhappy with your purchase, becouse the product is not exactly what you are expecting or you simply change your mind then let us know and we will refund you. If you want to cancel your order by returning the product, you have 14 days to do it after having received it. Please fill the form down below, and we will take the contact with you.
The refund for the returned product can be full or partial. If the product and its packing (the outer shipping packing not count) is in as new condition you will get full refund, if does are damaged then partial. We refund you within 10 working days after having received the returned products. The shipping costs will be not refunded.

If You want to return a product write here shortly the reason of your decision. If you need spare parts write here what you need.

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